Gratitude Is The Attitude

Gratitude Is The Attitude 

The ultimate state of being that a person should strive for is to be in a state of gratitude due to it being its natural opposite of states of stress, Fear and Anxiety which many of us encounter.

What is a State of Gratitude? 

It’s a state of being when you’re thinking and feeling grateful for anything in your life small or even big and giving it true thanks, recognition and appreciation and from the heart. Sadly, and wrongly we have been accustomed and conditioned to ONLY feeling or experience a state of gratitude when something good happens to us from our external environment, yet what is important to highlight and know Is that our powerful and beautiful mind has the ability to switch to the gratitude state and get the feeling on demand and experience gratitude without waiting for a reason externally to trigger it. 

What are the benefits of being in a State of Gratitude? 

Modern science and studies have shown plenty of benefits for both mind and body but to sum it up here are few i would like to share.

1- It disconnects us from toxic and negative thinking and feelings and shifts our attention to focus on positive emotions.

2- Gratitude buffers people from stress and depression studies shown by (Wood, Maltby, Gillett, Linley, & Joseph, 2008).

3- Gratitude and spiritual well-being are related to positive affect, sleep quality, energy, self-efficacy, and lower cellular inflammation studies shown by  (Mills, Redwine, Wilson, Pung, Chinh, Greenberg, Lunde, Maisel, & Raisinghani, 2015).

4- It allows for a sense of coherence which is how confident a person feels about potential life outcomes. It is the degree to which a person feels optimistic and in control of future events studies shown by (Lambert, Graham, Fincham, & Stillman, 2009)

How Can You Start?

Start by simply asking yourself this question at least once a day and preferably in the morning or before you shut your eyes to sleep. 

“List three things for what I am I grateful for?” 

Listen carefully to what your answers are and look to find and recognize the feelings that comes with these answers as you say it out loud to yourself or to whomever is around you that you care to share it with, remember to SAY IT OUT LOUD as words are energy and you want to elevate yourself into that state of being with the energy that stems from the gift of Gratitude. 

There are many other teachings and techniques that I teach my students of life. The above is a great way to start….so start now and show yourself that you are in control to lead the life you deserve that is filled with health and well-being. 

Peace & Love 

Sam Daghash 

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